Monday, December 31, 2007

Hi again!

Hi everyone.

Jon and I had a great visit with family yesterday, celebrating our niece's first birthday. We drove home in snow and somewhat slippery roads, but we made it back safe and sound! In the car I thought I was feeling some contractions, but I'm not exactly sure since I don't really know how they will feel. It was definitely pretty uncomfortable though and I'm almost certain that they were contractions.

Today was another doctor appointment as well as an ultrasound. Everything went well, I had the Group B Strep test and will know the results of that soon. They also did a non-stress test so they could monitor both Nathan's hearbeat and his movements. Both look very good! Nathan is head down. He is facing my left side, with his hands and feet on the left and his back on the right side. This confirms our suspicions that all the movements we've been feeling on the right side have, in fact, been him arching his back or pushing his butt out. And as of right now, Nathan weighs approximately 7 pounds! He is measuring about 2 weeks ahead of schedule, so it's possible that either he will arrive early, or we will have a big baby on our hands, or both. We are happy that he is continuing to grow well and is healthy!

On another note I went to Babies R Us today and got a little stuffed puppy for Nathan, and I picked out this diaper bag for me. It is not too big or too small, and has lots of great features. I like it a lot.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Another doctor visit

Hello and Happy day-after-Christmas. Hope everyone had a great holiday.

Today was another routine check-up. I didn't know this but apparently my BP went up a bit last week. 122/78 last week compared to 112/72 the week before, and 112/58 today. So at least now it is back where it should be. (Mine is normally quite low, between 110-113 for the top number.)

Nathan is still measuring right on target, so it seems that we have a perfect sized baby right now! We will know for sure after the ultrasound on Monday. The doctor almost did my Group B Strep test today but decided to wait until next week. He is going to see me for a regular appointment on Monday as well so that I won't have to go in twice next week.

Group B Strep (GBS) is a bacteria that is usually harmless in adults but can cause an infection in the newborn if the baby is delivered and the mom is carrying the bacteria. About 10-30% of pregnant women test positive for it. So it's a routine test for pregnant women and if I test positive, they'll give me antibiotics.

That's about it for now! Only 4 more weeks to go until the due date.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Happy First Birthday, Lillian!

Today our niece, Lillian, is turning one!

Lots of Love,
Uncle Jon & Aunt Morgan

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

All is well

Had another appointment yesterday. Nathan is measuring right around average size, not very big or small at this point. The doctor thinks he is head down now but we aren't 100% certain. According to the doctor, he feels like he is head down, it's just not VERY obvious if he is. And there is no obvious head up high anywhere, so it's fairly certain he's head down. We'll know for sure at our next ultrasound which will be on December 31st. The next regular appointment is on December 26th. So everything is going well, just enjoying the holiday season!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

"Getting Ready for Baby"

Last night Jon and I went to our first childbirth class, "Getting Ready for Baby." We ended about an hour early due to snow and slippery roads. It was a COLD night! This class continues for two more Monday nights, and a pediatrician as well as a new mom will be coming to talk to us and answer any questions. We will also be attending a Breastfeeding class this Thursday, and LaMaze classes in early January.

We enjoyed the class and also got a tour of the hospital. We covered several topics last night, mostly on what to expect after the baby is born, both in the hospital and when we take him home.

Some things we talked about:
-- Physical, emotional, emotional, and financial changes as new parents
-- Finding a doctor for your baby
-- What the hospital staff will do immediately after the baby is born, and why
-- Apgar scores
-- Baby's reflexes
-- Becoming aquainted with your baby
-- What the baby may look like as a newborn ("strange" things that are perfectly normal)
-- Our hospital's security measures
-- Jaundice
-- A newborn's hearing, eyesight, smell, touch, and taste
-- Typical infant behavior (due to immature nervous system, instinctive defense mechanisms, etc.)

A new baby is pretty amazing! :)

If you would like to check out the hospital where we will be having Nathan, you can go to and then click "Maternity & Childbirth", or to see a great video about labor & delivery at the hospital, use the same link and then click "Take our Virtual Tour" and a download window will open (be sure your volume is turned up).

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Nathan's room

Nathan's room is coming together! Here are a few preview pictures. We're still waiting on the ottoman from Babies R Us, and we want to get a few things like the matching lamp, and some soft wall hangings that will go above the changing table.
Next doctor appointment is on Monday, and childbirth classes start then too. Nathan likes to make his presence known in the mornings and late at night. He has taken to pushing my stomach out more so than kicking's fun to watch and feel. Jon and I are both getting very excited to meet him!

Clothes and things in the closet

Changing table/dresser combo
Clothes in drawers
Combo and glider
Close up of glider and blanket
A different angle to give you an idea of the set up
View from the doorway