Saturday, October 27, 2007

No pics for you! Hahaha! some of you are asking for more belly pics, but I can't give them to ya. I don't look any different than I did in the last ones! So, sorry but maybe I'll grow more in the third trimester...we'll see. :) I "look small" for six months though of course everyone grows differently during their pregnancy, and Nathan's right on target with his size like the doctor said. So we'll see...maybe in another month or so I'll be huge. And then you can all see how huge I am. ;)

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Doctor today

Today's doctor appointment went well. He took measurements and said "perfect." Next week I go to the hospital for my 1-hour glucose test and the Rhogam shot.

We also went and got some things for Nathan so now we have a crib, mattress and car seat. :)

Friday, October 19, 2007

3D Images

We're back from the 3D ultrasound. It was a lot of fun! Nathan was in a very funny position...he had his arms and his legs up by his face. So he was basically folded in half. He wouldn't give us any straight-on face shots, but we got some good profile pictures. At one point he seemed to be scratching his forehead with his toes, and another time he had his knee in his armpit -- we didn't know anyone could be so flexible! He was moving and stretching throughout the entire ultrasound, but he seemed to prefer keeping his hands by his face. We think he'll be a cuddler.

In the regular imaging (non-3D) we were able to see his heart beating and the four chambers, and we could also see that he had the hiccups.

Just like before, click the pictures to enlarge them. Enjoy. =)

Tuesday, October 2, 2007


Jon felt a couple of Nathan's kicks today! They weren't even some of the hardest I've felt either, so that was really cool. He's been either kicking or rolling onto my bladder periodically lately and of course that isn't too fun...but it is fun to feel him!

Monday, October 1, 2007

Linea Nigra

Ready for your riveting pregnancy update of the day? I am getting the pregnant line on my belly. I believe the technical name for it is "linea nigra."

Here's what it looks like:

This is not me. Please thank the donor tummy for it's time with us today and it's unmatched skills of adorable accessory-wearing.