Thursday, June 28, 2007

Car Seat Safety: Rear-Facing

All moms or moms-to-be out there should read this and consider it. I plan to keep our child rear-facing for as long as possible. Just because they can be front-facing, doesn't mean they need to or should! Rear-facing is much safer. Here is a quote from this site:

"While most parents are aware that they must keep their children rear-facing "until they are AT LEAST 1 year old AND 20 lbs", very few are told that there are significant safety benefits when a child remains rear-facing as long as the seat allows. For most children, rear-facing can and should continue well into the second year of life."

Please take a look at these links. The second one is a video showing crash test results:

Of course, proper size and installation into the car are JUST as important as the direction the seat faces!

Friday, June 22, 2007

First check-up & Ultrasound pics!

Well, things went really well at the doctor's today. I was about a week behind in my estimating, so I'm at about 9 weeks right now. Due January 24, 2008! I also learned that I have a tipped uterus (which really isn't a problem).

Here's the ultrasound pics. The first one is reading the heartbeat. The 2nd one gives you the best idea of what the baby looks like right now. Actually it looks like a little cashew. The 3rd and 4th pics I think are from the back of the head to the butt, so you're viewing the baby's back. It was to measure the length.

We got to watch the heart fluttering on the screen too, it was pretty awesome. :) Click on the pictures to see them bigger.

After that we went over to the hospital for some routine blood work. And I saw the most well-behaved, not-even-2-years-old-yet triplets, 2 boys and a girl...they were adorable, and SO good. Although I'm glad to just have one baby growing in me!
The baby's stats this week:
  • Arms, legs, and fingers are longer
  • Head is straighter, neck is more developed
  • Eyelids almost cover eyes
  • The baby moves its body and limbs

If you want to get a better idea of what the baby looks like, do a search in Google Images for ultrasounds at 9 weeks. You will find some 3D and 4D images that can give you a much better view.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Just Look, Don't Touch

Well, Jon and I were at a wedding yesterday. It was pretty fun. We saw a lot of old friends we haven't seen since long before becoming pregnant. And, nobody tried yesterday, but I had this realization that people are probably going to try touching my stomach when I start showing. And I will do everything in my power to keep from smacking them. It's like, "you did not have permission to touch me there BEFORE, nor do you have the license to do it NOW." LOL...I am being funny but seriously, I think it would drive me crazy. I mean at least ask me first! And maybe if I like ya, I'll let ya. Just wait til a stranger tries it. HA!!

In other news...
For a week or so I had a strong feeling that this baby would be a boy. Now I'm not so sure anymore.
My uncle swears it's a grandmother thinks it's twins(!) ... so what do you think??

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Well, Finally

We tried to call the doctor that we had planned on going to today but apparently he is not taking new patients (which is new information to me). BUT, Jon and I started looking online for different physicians in the area and we think we've found a really good one! We called and spoke to a very nice receptionist, and sure enough, he is taking new patients, and he does take my insurance! Woohoo!!!

Here is Dr. Leuci's website:

My appointment is next Friday, 6/22 at 9:00 am.

Oh...and the baby is the size of a blueberry this week. =)

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Rethinking our names

We have decided on Nathan Alexander for a boy and Linnea Rose for a girl. =)

I love fresh air

I was just outside, and fresh air does a world of good when you are pregnant and just feeling lousy. All it takes is just an hour or so outside and it makes a huge difference. I feel like I need it now more than ever.

I learned that apparently I actually AM having morning sickness, and that I don't have to be throwing up...even just being nauseous is still morning sickness. So that means that my morning sickness started pretty early in my pregnancy. A week or so before we even guessed I was pregnant, I felt sick off and on every day. They say when you are pregnant that you should eat small amounts every 3 hours, and let me tell you, I feel like I need to! It helps a great deal with the sick feelings. I've just been feeling pretty lousy, and I hope it gets a little better, at least for a while.

Jon and I found out that the doctor we want to see does not actually work with Lourdes Hospital, and therefore he doesn't take the Lourdes finanacial assitance program. So Monday we are going to apply for Medicaid and then make the appointment with him. If we go with him then we will go through Wilson Hospital, which is fine. Both are within 3 miles of our apartment. I am going to talk to the person who recommended this doctor, and see what exactly it is that she likes about him.

Friday, June 1, 2007


I feel as though all I want to eat is FRUIT FRUIT and more FRUIT. Also fruity snacks like Italian Ice. Honestly I think it has a lot to do with the humid weather. The only other thing that sounds half as good is a bowl of white rice, and fish. I have a sudden aversion to least this week.

Thankfully I am going food shopping today. Even when I am hungry, nothing we have looks good. I forced down a PBJ, which tasted better than I thought it would. The morning sickness has not started yet I'm just enjoying the lack of it while I can!


Good morning everyone,

Even before we were pregnant, we had talked about names from time to time. After some final consideration last night, I think we have our names!

If it's a boy, he will be Nathan Cale Whippo. We chose this name simply because we like it. Nathan means "He (God) has given," and is a part of the name "Jonathan," a nice added bonus. :)

If it's a girl, we decided quite a while ago that her name would be Linnea (lin-AY-uh). This is Jon's favorite name for a girl (and I like it too, of course.) So if we have a daughter, she can say she was named by Daddy! We have yet to find a middle name, so any suggestions are welcome! Currently we are considering Linnea Charlotte and Linnea Rose.

Disclaimer: Don't hold us to these, they could change at any time -- I'm only a month pregnant here! Though there is a good chance we will stick with these. :)

Please leave any comments, especially suggestions for Linnea's middle name. You do not have to be a member of Blogger to comment.
