Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Well, Finally

We tried to call the doctor that we had planned on going to today but apparently he is not taking new patients (which is new information to me). BUT, Jon and I started looking online for different physicians in the area and we think we've found a really good one! We called and spoke to a very nice receptionist, and sure enough, he is taking new patients, and he does take my insurance! Woohoo!!!

Here is Dr. Leuci's website: http://www.leuci-obgyn.com/index.html

My appointment is next Friday, 6/22 at 9:00 am.

Oh...and the baby is the size of a blueberry this week. =)

1 comment:

Hot Hot JJ said...

A blueberry! Congratulations for finding a great doc, I can't wait to hear how the appointment goes!