Saturday, June 2, 2007

I love fresh air

I was just outside, and fresh air does a world of good when you are pregnant and just feeling lousy. All it takes is just an hour or so outside and it makes a huge difference. I feel like I need it now more than ever.

I learned that apparently I actually AM having morning sickness, and that I don't have to be throwing up...even just being nauseous is still morning sickness. So that means that my morning sickness started pretty early in my pregnancy. A week or so before we even guessed I was pregnant, I felt sick off and on every day. They say when you are pregnant that you should eat small amounts every 3 hours, and let me tell you, I feel like I need to! It helps a great deal with the sick feelings. I've just been feeling pretty lousy, and I hope it gets a little better, at least for a while.

Jon and I found out that the doctor we want to see does not actually work with Lourdes Hospital, and therefore he doesn't take the Lourdes finanacial assitance program. So Monday we are going to apply for Medicaid and then make the appointment with him. If we go with him then we will go through Wilson Hospital, which is fine. Both are within 3 miles of our apartment. I am going to talk to the person who recommended this doctor, and see what exactly it is that she likes about him.

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